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Konser sırasında verilecek aranın ardından Passacaglia: Secret of Wind and Birds eseri çalınırken Tan Dun’un yönlendirmelerini takip edin, işaret verdiğinde bu ses dosyasını çalmaya başlayın ve bu benzersiz konser deneyiminin bir parçası olun.
For this evening’s performance of Passacaglia: Secret of Wind and Birds, Tan Dun invites you to participate in the symphony using your cellphones.
Please open this url and keep the sound recording ready on your mobile phone: https://www.wisemusicclassical.com/media/b5mm3gsq/tan_dun_birds_070415.mp3
Please set your mobile on flight mode but be sure to turn up the volüme on your device.
Following the interval, while the orchestra is performing Passacaglia: Secret of Wind and Birds, follow the instructions of the maestro and after Tan Dun’s cue, PLAY the melody and enjoy this unique interaction with the Maestro and the Orchestra.