İdil Olğar was born in Mersin in 2006. She started her education at Mersin University State Conservatory at the age of 6. She gave her first solo concert at the age of 10 with the Kuşadası Municipality Chamber Orchestra. In 2017, she won the third prize at the Talents for Europe Violin Competition. In 2018, she won the second prize at the Josef Micka International Violin Competition in Prague, and the Josef Micka Special Award. She received the first prize in the 2nd International Ilona Feher Violin Competition held in Budapest in the same year. She won third place in İş Sanat’s Shining Stars auditions. She won first place in the Ilona Feher International Violin Competition. In 2019, she was awarded the Nevit Kodallı Young Talents Award at the 18th International Mersin Music Festival. In 2020, she was selected for the Doğuş Children’s Symphony Orchestra staff. In 2021, she received the second prize in the 1st International Online Instrumental Performance Competition in Poland, the first prize in the Alkanova Music Contest, the first prize in the World Open Online Contest, the first prize in the Music Stars Awards, and the third prize in the International Medici Music Contest. In 2022, she passed the auditions for the Türkiye Youth Philharmonic Orchestra. Olğar studies with Onur Yıldız at Mersin University State Conservatory. Continuing her education with the programme of ÇEV Art Young Talents Project by Contemporary Education Foundation (Çağdaş Eğitim Vakfı), Olğar benefits from the project that is sponsored by QNB Finansbank.