9 June 2015, Süreyya Opera House



  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    Sonata No.1 in C Major, KV279
    Sonata No.2 in F Major, KV280
    Sonata No.3 in B flat Major, KV281
    Sonata No.4 E flat Major, KV282
    Sonata No.5 in G Major, KV283

Lasts 110’ inc. interval.

19.30-20.00 Süreyya Opera House upper foyer
by Aydın Büke on Mozart *

* To be held in turkish.

“Too easy for children, too difficult for adults.” Arthur Schnabel.

Music lovers will have the precious opportunity to look into Mozart’s soul through his piano sonatas at this marathon by the genius Fazıl Say in four concerts at the most charming venues. “Mozart’s music is like a parallel universe. In these moments of sheer bliss, we laugh and dance and forget that we are actually playing. Mozart’s music has evoked people’s genuine and positive sides for centuries.” says Fazıl Say, whose Mozart concertos album was met with great critical acclaim and who is in the process of recording the composer’s piano sonatas, and adds, “Where does all this bliss spring from? His works are actually stories of victory: They are vivid depictions of the victory of humanism, equality, and freedom.” Fazıl Say believes that Mozart is a “storyteller” and performing Mozart is to “explore a story and recreate a fantasy.” Touching the audiences and critics alike for more than 25 years now, Fazıl Say, who does not fit any given stereotype in classical music and who brings his genuine approach to any warhorse of the repertoire, will again make the headlines with the Mozart Marathon at the 43rd Istanbul Music Festival.
